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Registration is now open for American Beverage Licensees’ 14th Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado on June 12-14, 2016. The event will connect leading on-premise and off-premise beverage alcohol licensees for a program full of informative speakers, issue discussions, industry networking and hospitality events.

Marking ABL’s 14th anniversary, the 2016 ABL Annual Meeting will look at the issues of the day for independent beverage licensees and explore what lies ahead in the evolving beverage alcohol marketplace. In looking to the possible future in other states, part of the meeting’s program will examine Colorado’s regulated recreational cannabis market, including its impact and implications on beverage licensees and the broader beverage alcohol industry.

Announced events include:
  • Colorado Rockies/San Diego Padres baseball game hosted by MillerCoors
  • Welcome Reception hosted by the National Association of Beverage Importers
  • Annual Luncheon
  • General Session featuring speakers addressing craft brewing, recreational marijuana and the general business outlook for the beverage alcohol industry
  • ABL Board of Directors Breakfast hosted by the Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry
  • Retailer of the Year Awards sponsored by Brown-Forman
  • ABL Honors Gala featuring the ABL Top Shelf Award Presentation
The 2016 ABL Annual Meeting is open to ABL members and non-members who are interested in learning more about issues facing beverage alcohol licensees. Registration for the annual meeting is $299. Unless otherwise indicated, registration includes access to hospitality events and the general session program.


This year’s ABL Annual Meeting will be held at the Grand Hyatt Denver, just steps from downtown Denver attractions, including the 16th Street Mall and other attractions. 

ABL’s nightly rate is $219*

Rooms must be booked by May 13.

Book online or by calling (888) 421-1442 and referencing “2016 ABL Meeting” to receive the discounted rate.

*++ $219 does not include taxes and fees.

To stay up-to-date on the 2016 ABL Annual Meeting including speaker announcements and social events, attendees can visit and follow the ABL Conference on Twitter at@ABLUSA or on Facebook

For more information, visit ABL’s conference website or click here to register.

ABL Statement on TTB’s Ruling on Category Management and Tied House

American Beverage Licensees Executive Director John Bodnovich Statement on the TTB’s Ruling on Category Management and Tied House

February 12, 2016


BETHESDA, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) Executive Director John Bodnovich issued the following statement regarding the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s (TTB) Ruling 2016-1, “The Shelf Plan and Shelf Schematic Exception to the ‘Tied House’ Prohibition, and Activities Outside Such Exception”


“The guidance issued by the TTB concerning category management programs and tied house concerns is a good start to addressing the importance of maintaining a fair and vibrant beverage alcohol marketplace, and clarifies what is and is not permitted under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act.


“It’s also an important piece of a larger ongoing conversation about trade practices and anti-competitive behavior. Enforcement remains a critical component for this ruling to be taken seriously.


“With some states facing pressure to scuttle established and effective alcohol regulations in favor of relaxed trade practice laws, this ruling serves as a reminder of the vigilance and forethought required to avert anti-competitive practices from occurring in any segment of the industry.”

American Beverage Licensees 14th Annual Meeting Coming to Denver in 2016

June conference will bring together leading beverage licensees and beverage alcohol industry representatives

Bethesda, MD – February 10, 2016 – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) announced today that it will hold its 14th Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado on June 12-14, 2016. The event will connect leading on-premise and off-premise beverage alcohol licensees for a program full of informative speakers, issue discussions, industry networking and hospitality events.

“With ongoing changes in all three tiers of our industry, it’s more important than ever for beer, wine and spirits retailers to come together to learn what is happening in our industry and explore how they can continue to operate responsible and profitable businesses,” said ABL President Warren Scheidt. “The ABL Annual Meeting is a great forum to discuss important issues facing bar, tavern and package store owners.”

Marking ABL’s 14th anniversary, the 2016 ABL Annual Meeting will look at the issues of the day for independent beverage licensees and explore what lies ahead in the evolving beverage alcohol marketplace. In looking to the possible future in other states, part of the meeting’s program will examine Colorado’s regulated recreational cannabis market, including its impact and implications on beverage licensees and the broader beverage alcohol industry.

“Bringing the Annual Meeting to Colorado really hits the trifecta for ABL,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “We have a tremendous state affiliate in the Colorado Licensed Beverage Association; Colorado is home to many vibrant beverage alcohol businesses; and the state is a policy and regulatory laboratory for the recreational marijuana market.”

The event will take place June 12-14, 2016 at the Grand Hyatt Denver in Denver, Colorado.

Announced events include:

  • Colorado Rockies/San Diego Padres baseball game hosted by MillerCoors
  • Welcome Reception hosted by the National Association of Beverage Importers
  • ABL Board of Directors Breakfast hosted by the Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry
  • Retailer of the Year Awards sponsored by Brown-Forman

The 2016 ABL Annual Meeting is open to ABL members and non-members who are interested in learning more about issues facing beverage alcohol licensees. Registration for the annual meeting is $299 and will open in the coming weeks. Unless otherwise indicated, registration includes access to hospitality events and the general session program.

The ABL Annual Meeting’s host hotel is the Grand Hyatt Denver. ABL has secured a discounted hotel rate of $219++ per night for conference attendees booking before May 13, on a first-come, first-served basis. Consider booking your room early as the room block is limited and may fill up prior to the deadline. Book your room by calling (888) 421-1442 and referencing “2016 ABL Meeting” to receive the discounted rate.

To stay up-to-date on the 2016 ABL Annual Meeting including speaker announcements and social events, attendees can visit and follow the ABL Conference on Twitter at @ABLUSA or on Facebook.

Why are you stopping by your local package store this November?

Tell us why you’re stopping by your local package store @ablusa  #PLSM

  • A mixologist I follow on Twitter recommended a locally-made gin.
  • I’m picking up a bottle of champagne to celebrate our anniversary!
  • They sponsor my softball team and contribute to the community, so I support them.
  • I signed up for a food and beer pairing class being put on by a local chef.
  • It’s the only place that I can find my favorite liqueur. They special order it for me.
  • I read about a new zinfandel in my Facebook feed and I want to try it.
  • They refused to sell to my daughter’s underage friends. I appreciate that they don’t sell alcohol to teenagers.
  • My friend told me about this new triple-hopped IPA that I have to try.
  • I tasted a whiskey at the local distillery and want to buy a few bottles to give to my friends.
  • My wine guy called to let me know that they got in a couple cases of my favorite chardonnay.
  • I support local small business, and I know that the money I spend there stays in the community.
  • I’m grabbing a six-pack to bring over to my buddy’s house to watch the game.
  • I’m picking up a bottle of my dad’s favorite single malt scotch as a gift for his birthday
  • I like trying new wines and I know there’s great selection at the local wine shop.
  • They have the best customer service and most knowledgeable sales staff.
  • I always find something new and interesting in their local beer section.
  • They’re hosting a wine tasting featuring the winemaker from my favorite winery.
  • I’m planning a party and need recommendations on how much alcohol to buy for the bar.

Celebrate Package Liquor Stores this November

November 9, 2015 – Bethesda, MD – November is National Package Liquor Store Month, recognized by American Beverage Licensees (ABL) and celebrated in communities across the country.  Established in 2009, Package Liquor Store Month is an opportunity to showcase independently-owned package stores and the many benefits they provide beverage consumers.

Package stores continue to uphold a longstanding legacy that began before Prohibition.  Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines a “Package Store” as “a store that sells bottled or canned (alcohol) beverages for consumption off the premises” and traces its usage back to 1918.

“ABL proudly supports our package liquor store members,” said ABL President Warren Scheidt, a package store owner in Columbus, Indiana.  “Locally owned and operated, off-premise licensees support their local communities and recognize the responsibility of selling alcohol products in a diverse and competitive market.”

Thanks to the 21st amendment, package stores can be found in states across the country, which have developed their own unique beverage alcohol marketplaces that meet the needs of the public while preserving an environment of accountability and responsibility that comes with selling beverage alcohol.  The results of this three-tier system are the most diverse and innovative alcohol market in the world; the incubation and growth of thousands of brands of beer, wine and spirits; and a decidedly positive economic impact.

In the U.S., off-premise retailers provide over 535,132 jobs through the direct sale of beverage alcohol.  That includes more than $17.5 billion in wages and benefits, $32.6 billion in direct economic impact and over $36 billion in taxes paid to federal, state, and local governments each year.

“Independent package liquor stores serve their communities by creating jobs and generating economic activity, in addition to providing the beer, wine and spirits products that their customers expect,” said John Bodnovich, ABL’s Executive Director.  “Package Liquor Store Month is an opportunity to recognize these businesses that support local charities, sponsor sports leagues, and work with law enforcement, regulators and parents to prevent the misuse of alcohol.”

Licensing requirements for package stores can be rigorous, which means that package store owners put a premium on refusing sales to underage or intoxicated would-be-customers.  By training their staff and working within their communities to raise awareness about preventing underage access to alcohol, America’s package stores are fulfilling their commitment to responsibly selling beverage alcohol.

With new and innovative beer, wine and spirits products being introduced to the market every day, adult beverage consumers are looking to their local package stores to find iconic brands from brewers, distillers and winemakers, as well as up-and-coming products from local producers.

Most package stores specialize in selling beer, wine and spirits; not groceries, pharmaceuticals or gasoline.  That means they can focus on the latest innovations – whether those are new products from small, local producers or line-extensions from well-known brands – to meet customer needs.  By working with producers and distributors, independent package stores continue to provide an unmatched market entry opportunity that continues to grow in importance in the evolving beverage alcohol industry.

In this season of celebration, ABL and its members encourage everyone to support locally-owned businesses by stopping in their neighborhood package store for a bottle of their favorite wine, beer or distilled spirits. November is Package Liquor Store Month…Let’s Celebrate!


ABL Statement on House Judiciary Committee’s Copyright Review Roundtable at Belmont University

BETHESDA, MD – September 22, 2015 – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) Executive Director John Bodnovich issued the following statement regarding the kick off of the House Judiciary Committee’s copyright review listening tour and its roundtable discussion in Nashville, Tennessee on September 22nd.

“America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers commend House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Ranking Member John Conyers (D-Mich.) for hosting today’s roundtable discussion on copyright laws and engaging stakeholders.  America’s bars and taverns sit at the intersection of music and consumers, and play a critical role when it comes to delivering music and introducing their customers to artists.  Beverage licensees look forward to future opportunities to discuss their role in the music ecosystem, their experiences with music licensing in their businesses and how local beverage businesses and music creators can enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship.



Wine Institute Joins ABL as Associate Member

Wine_Institute_logoWine Institute Joins ABL as Associate Member
Membership strengthens connection to independent beverage retailers, California wineries

Bethesda, MD – August 25, 2015 – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) is pleased to welcome Wine Institute as its newest Associate Member. Representing more than 1,000 wineries and affiliated businesses, Wine Institute is the largest advocacy and public policy association for California wineries and the only trade association representing the wine industry at the state, federal and international levels.

“Wine consumption in the U.S. has increased every year since 2000 and beverage licensees have been part of that growth,” said John Bodnovich, ABL’s Executive Director. “Wine retailers have a long history of successfully promoting and selling California wines. We’re excited to work more closely with Wine Institute in areas of public policy where our organizations’ missions align and to grow on- and off-premise licensees’ awareness of California wines.

Wine Institute works to create an environment where the wine community can flourish and contribute in a positive fashion to the nation, state and local communities. This means bringing together the resources of its members to support legislative and regulatory advocacy, international market development, media relations, scientific research, and education programs that benefit the entire California wine industry.

“I’m pleased that Wine Institute will be in a position to work even more closely with ABL, its member companies and local affiliates on initiatives that benefit our respective interests,” said Robert Koch, President and CEO of Wine Institute. “ABL is an important constituency for our California wineries and we’re all stronger when we have open lines of communication and cooperation.”

Wine Institute is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of 80 California vintners who are served by a professional staff with offices in San Francisco, Sacramento, Washington DC, six U.S. regional offices and representation in seven foreign countries. With a strong presence in Washington, D.C., Wine Institute aggressively advocates for its members’ interests in tax, international trade, legislative and regulatory issues. Wine Institute also pursues numerous programs and community alliances and promotes sustainable business practices from the ground to the bottle. ABL and Wine Institute have worked together in the past to support funding of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), have opposed excise tax increases and advocated for sensible approaches to fight drunk driving.

California is a leading producer of wine, representing approximately 90 percent of all American wine. It produces 60 percent of all wine sold in the United States and ranks fourth in world wine production behind only France, Italy and Spain. The Golden State grows wine grapes in more than 80 percent of its counties, and is home to 4,400 wineries that generated $24.6 billion in revenues in 2014.

“Wine is an important part of the beverage marketplace, and retailers want to stay informed on issues affecting wineries,” said Bodnovich. “Wine Institute’s membership is a great opportunity to connect winemakers and retailers to strengthen our industry.”

A PDF version of this press release is available here: Wine Institute Joins ABL as Associate Member.

ABL Joins Beer Industry Partners for Capitol Hill Briefing

ABL Joins Beer Industry Partners for Capitol Hill Briefing

Beer Serves America report highlights value of beer to American economy

Bethesda, MD –– July 31, 2015 –– American Beverage Licensees (ABL) joined beer industry partners in a Capitol Hill briefing earlier this week to highlight the positive economic impact of the beer industry on multiple sectors of the American economy. Hosted by the Beer Institute and the National Beer Wholesalers Association, and incorporating results from the recently released Beer Serves America economic impact report, the panel brought together trade groups representing brewers, beer wholesalers, beer retailers and aluminum can manufacturers.

Among other findings from the report, the beer industry contributes $265 billion to the economy, generates $48 billion in tax revenue, and creates 1.75 million jobs, which means that the three-tiers of the beer industry employ as many people as the entire single-family home construction industry in America.

Speaking from a beer retail perspective, ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich reported that direct retail beer sales create more than 805,000 jobs that pay, on average, nearly twice the federal minimum wage. They also account for an economic impact upwards of $50 billion dollars a year, which is more than the individual GDPs of South Dakota, Wyoming, Rhode Island, Vermont or Montana. If the American beer retail marketplace was a country, it would rank 80th globally in GDP.BSA Press Conference_131

“There are thousands of real-life versions of CHEERS; corner bars and taverns where everyone does, in fact, know your name. Beer sales in these businesses represent 44 percent of their total sales,” said Bodnovich. “Many off-premise beer jobs are with independent, civic-minded retailers who make a trip to the beer store both a shopping and educational experience by conducting tastings of new products, hosting beer-and-food pairing seminars and cooking classes, and generally serving as catalysts for the excitement and interest around beer.”

Bodnovich joined other industry leaders for the briefing including Jim McGreevy, President & CEO of the Beer Institute; Craig Purser, President & CEO of the National Beer Wholesalers Association; Robert Budway, President of the Can Manufacturers Institute; and economist John Dunham, author of the Beer Serves America report.

With beverage licensees responsible for selling an astonishing 68 billion 12-oz servings of beer per year, Bodnovich also remarked on the role that licensed beverage retailers play in the marketplace and their communities.

“With multiple generations and hundreds of thousands of employees on their payrolls, retail licensees are a vital part of the beer industry just like their brewer and distributor counterparts,” said Bodnovich. “Beer retailers’ are committed to being good partners by embracing their community responsibilities and sharing new and established products as the industry continues to evolve and grow.”

ABL President Participates in Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus Briefing

ABL President Participates in Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus Briefing

Panel discusses the importance of the TTB to beverage alcohol marketplace

Bethesda, MD –– July 22, 2015 –– Earlier today, Congressmen Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.) and Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.) hosted the first issue briefing of the Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus. ABL President Warren Scheidt joined a panel of distinguished industry representatives to discuss the growth of the hospitality industry and the importance of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).

Hill Briefing - Speakers pre-7-22
Left to Right: Tom Hogue, Congressional Liaison, TTB; Harvey Allen, President and C.E.O. of M. S. Walker and Board Member of The Presidents’ Forum; Charlie Merinoff, Chairman and CEO of The Charmer-Sunbelt Group and Board Member of the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America; and Warren Scheidt, Owner, Cork Liquors in Columbus, IN and President of ABL.

Representatives Duffy and Kilmer opened the briefing, attended by more than 50 Congressional staff, by talking about the creation of the Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus and their support of a vibrant hospitality industry. Following the Congressmen, Mr. Scheidt was joined by panelists including: Tom Hogue, Congressional Liaison, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB); Harvey Allen, President and C.E.O. of M. S. Walker and Board Member of The Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry; and Charlie Merinoff, Chairman and CEO of The Charmer-Sunbelt Group and Board Member of the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America.

In his remarks, Mr. Scheidt shared the story of his family’s three-generation business, Cork Liquors in Columbus, Indiana; his relationships with his partners in the producer and wholesaler tiers; and the importance of a fully funded TTB to ensure a thriving beverage alcohol marketplace.

Hill Briefing - July 22 - Scheidt
Mr. Warren Scheidt, Owner of Cork Liquors in Columbus, IN and President of ABL.

“The growth of the beverage industry and introduction of new products has been exceptional in recent years. Beverage licensees work with our industry partners to stay on top of new products and meet the needs of our customers. We support the efforts of the Hospitality Caucus to draw attention to the importance of the TTB and the role it plays in our industry,” said Scheidt.

The bipartisan Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus was formed in June as a means of educating legislators and the public about the value and the role of the American hospitality industry. To date, more than 30 Members of Congress have joined the Caucus.

“Today’s briefing was a great opportunity for the hospitality industry to share its perspective, connect with key decision makers and their staff, and raise awareness about how our industry and the TTB work together,” said John Bodnovich, executive director of American Beverage Licensees. “ABL appreciates the work of the Hospitality Caucus in bringing these issues to light.”

As a key part of the hospitality industry, direct retail alcohol sales create as many as 1.7 million jobs across the U.S. and generate as much as $245 billion in total economic activity with more than $36 billion paid in taxes. ABL continues to encourage members of Congress to show their support for the thousands of businesses and millions of Americans that make up the hospitality industry by joining the Hospitality Caucus.

American Beverage Licensees Joins MIC Coalition

Licensees lend grassroots voice, small business perspective to music licensing debate

Bethesda, MD –– July 8, 2015 –– With the conversation about music licensing and copyright issues growing in Washington, American Beverage Licensees (ABL) announced today that it has joined the MIC Coalition as part of a continuing effort to address music licensing issues on behalf of beverage licensees. Working with other music licensing stakeholders, including national associations representing end-users of musical works, ABL members will now have an even stronger platform from which to make their voices heard on this important issue.

The MIC Coalition is comprised of companies, associations, consumer groups, venue owners and artist advocates who are committed to a rational, sustainable and transparent system that ensures that consumers and consumer-serving businesses, such as retailers, restaurants and hotels, have continued access to play music at affordable prices. MIC-Logo

“Bars and taverns are in the hospitality business which often means providing music for their customers, including live performances showcasing singers and songwriters,” said John Bodnovich, ABL Executive Director. “These small businesses have always sought a music licensing process that is fair and equitable and we’re excited to continue those efforts as part of the MIC Coalition.”

ABL – and the National Licensed Beverage Association before it – has a long history of advocating for sensible music licensing policies for restaurants, bars, and taverns. In the 1990’s, licensees successfully supported the Fairness in Musical Licensing Act which brought some relief to food service and drinking establishments who share music with their patrons via radio or television. These businesses pay performing rights organizations (PROs) for “blanket licenses” in order to comply with copyright laws.

More recently, ABL submitted comments to the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division regarding the consent decrees governing PROs. ABL urged the DOJ to review the process for setting royalty rates for the public performance use of copyrighted musical works in eating and drinking establishments and to consider more effective mechanisms for remediation when engaging in music licensing fee disputes. This June, ABL members shared how music licensing issues affect their businesses with members of Congress and their staff during ABL’s Capitol Hill Day.

“Small bar and tavern owners believe that now is the time to examine the policies that govern music and those who pay to use it in their businesses,” said Bodnovich. “They seek a transparent, predictable and viable system that assures that licensed beverage businesses will be able to afford to share music with their customers. ABL’s membership in the MIC Coalition will draw greater attention to the music licensing issues faced by beverage businesses.”

For more information, please visit:

A PDF of this release can be found here: ABL joins MIC Coalition

ABL Announces 2015-2016 Officers

Warren Scheidt of Cork Liquors in Columbus, Indiana Elected ABL President

Bethesda, MD –– June 29, 2015 –– At its meeting this June, American Beverage Licensees (ABL) Board of Directors elected Warren Scheidt, owner and operator of 12 Cork Liquors stores in and around Columbus, Indiana, as the 7th President of ABL. Scheidt, who will serve a two-year term, will lead the association as it continues to advocate for independent beer, wine and spirits retailers, and strengthen the collective voice of bar, tavern and package store owners.

Other officers elected to two-year terms on the ABL Executive Committee include:

– Vice President J.J. Moran, Jr. of Four Winds Liquor & Lounge in Cheyenne, Wyoming

– Vice President Bob Sprenger of Bubba’s in Marion, Wisconsin

– At-Large Representative Paul Santelle of Garden State Discount Liquors in Perth Amboy, New Jersey

The Board of Directors also appointed Raymond Cox of Elite Beverages in Indianapolis, IN to fill the Treasurer position vacated upon Scheidt’s election.

“Warren is one of our most engaged and passionate Board members whose years of experience in this industry will be an invaluable asset to ABL,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “His integrity and commitment to defending the hardworking men and women of the retail tier of the beverage industry means he is well-suited for the tasks ahead. I look forward to working closely with him as we continue to grow ABL’s reach and voice.”

Scheidt has been a member of the ABL Board of Directors since 2006, serving as At-Large representative, Vice President and Treasurer. He has also served as chairman of the Communications and Finance Committees of the ABL Board, and was recognized by his peers as a Brown-Forman Retailer of the Year.

Scheidt, who formerly worked for the USDA and was a law enforcement officer, now operates 12 Cork Liquors stores in south central Indiana providing one of the most extensive selections of beer, wine, spirits, and cigars in the state. A past-President of the Indiana Association of Beverage Retailers and true family businessman, his son Travis and daughter Allison now work alongside him, handling day-to-day operations of the three-generation family business which was started in 1982 as a single store by Scheidt’s parents.

“I am honored and excited to serve as President of American Beverage Licensees,” said Scheidt. “I look forward to working with the ABL Board and staff to expand ABL’s impact, increase its role as a conduit for state-to-state association networking and leading our experienced executive committee to best serve our members’ needs now and in the future.”

In addition to the newly-elected officers, ongoing ABL Executive Committee members for 2015/2016 include:

– Vice President Victor Pittman of Silver Leaf Wines & Spirits in Ridgeland, Mississippi

– Vice President Terry Harvath of The Wishing Well Bar & Grill in Appleton, Wisconsin

– At-Large Representative Steve Morris of Jorgenson’s Restaurant & Lounge in Helena, Montana

– Immediate Past-President, Harry Klock of Stockman Bar in Harlowton, Montana
