
American Beverage Licensees Announces Dates for 15th Annual Meeting

Bethesda, MD – October 4, 2016 – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) announced today that it will return to Las Vegas, NV for the 2017 ABL Annual Meeting, taking place March 26-28, 2017. The March annual meeting will be held at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino, and will include informational sessions, product demonstrations, and various networking opportunities for meeting attendees.

The 2017 annual meeting will mark ABL’s 15th anniversary and bring together beer, wine and spirits retailers from across the country – as well as representatives from the three tiers of the beverage alcohol industry.

“ABL is extremely excited to return to Las Vegas for our 15th Annual Meeting,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “The last time ABL was in Las Vegas was in 2012 for our 10th Annual Meeting, so it is only fitting that we return to the Entertainment Capital of the World to celebrate our 15th anniversary.”

Additional information – including registration and room rates, presenters, schedules, and social events – will be announced in the coming months. For the latest annual meeting updates and information, be sure to visit the ABL website. You can also get the latest updates by following the #ABL2017 hashtag on Facebook and Twitter.



American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.77 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $19.3 billion in federal taxes and $16.9 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit


Brewers Unite With Governments, NGOs, Employees and Retailers Worldwide to Promote Responsible Drinking


Global Beer Responsibility Day Expands Efforts That Promote Responsible Consumption in 76 Countries

On September 16, brewers, governments, NGOs and retailers in 76 countries around the world will partner on the second annual Global Beer Responsibility Day (GBRD), a worldwide effort to promote the responsible consumption of beer.

Initiated by Anheuser-Busch InBev, Carlsberg and HEINEKEN, together with local brewers and beer associations, Global Beer Responsibility Day 2016 aims to build upon the success and momentum of year one by engaging tens of thousands of brewer employees, more than a hundred governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and half a million retail accounts to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. In addition, brewers, retailers and their partners will aim to directly engage more than 700,000 consumers and reach more than 200,000,000 consumers with responsible drinking messages and activations.

The collaboration, which involves activities to combat drink driving and underage consumption, bartender and server trainings and consumer education, helps to advance the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal to treat and prevent the harmful use of alcohol.

“As brewers, we are not only committed to brewing quality beers, but also to ensuring those beers are enjoyed responsibly. We’re excited to join together as an industry again this year to make an even greater impact on reducing the harmful use of alcohol,” said Carlos Brito, Chief Executive Officer at Anheuser-Busch InBev.

“Global Beer Responsibility Day is a way for us to collectively highlight the importance of responsible drinking, and it complements the activities we and partners do throughout the year to encourage moderation and fight harmful consumption. We are pleased to see more and more countries and partners coming on board, as we can only address this important societal issue if we collaborate,” said Cees ‘t Hart, Chief Executive Officer at Carlsberg.

Among the many efforts taking place across the globe, Anheuser-Busch InBev and HEINEKEN, along with other local brewers through the Mexican Beer Chamber, are partnering with municipal and state authorities from 32 federal entities to communicate a single responsible consumption message to retailers and consumers across Mexico. In Russia, Carlsberg and more than 2,000 employees from the members of the Russian Beer Union – including AB InBev, EFES and HEINEKEN – are promoting responsible sales practices to retailers across the country.

“Attitudes towards responsible consumption are changing. Increasingly we see millennials embracing drinking in moderation to get more from their experiences. This is an opportunity that the industry must capitalize on by working together. By championing responsible choices through our marketing and reinforcing our education programs with stakeholders, we can positively influence behaviour,” said Jean-François van Boxmeer, Chief Executive Officer at HEINEKEN.

“Global Beer Responsibility Day embodies the notion that we are stronger together,” said Simon Spillane, Chairman of the Worldwide Brewing Alliance. “United through local brewers associations across the world, brewers large and small are working together with NGOs and government partners to support and roll out innovative, effective campaigns that both promote responsible beer consumption and support the fight against alcohol misuse.”

For more information on how brewers are helping encourage moderate consumption and reduce the harmful use of alcohol, visit the Worldwide Brewing Alliance website at:


About Global Beer Responsibility Day

Global Beer Responsibility Day is an annual industry-wide initiative that brings together brewing companies, big and small, and beer associations, to highlight and reinforce the responsibility efforts conducted and supported by brewers in partnership with wholesalers, retailers, government and law enforcement officials, NGOs and others. Established in 2015 on the initiative of Anheuser-Busch InBev, Carlsberg and HEINEKEN, Global Beer Responsibility Day is an occasion for brewers, together with many local partners and stakeholders, to launch and showcase a variety of both new and ongoing programs aimed at reducing the harmful use of alcohol, including drink driving and underage drinking. The initiatives include server and seller training, ID-checking programs and consumer education efforts, among others.



Anheuser-Busch InBev:

Jessica Adkins, +1-212-573-9288





Wouter de Groot, +45 3327 2144





Holly Bostock, +31 (0)20 5239228

America’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailers Create 1.94 Million Jobs and $295 Billion in Economic Impact

BETHESDA, MD – August 17, 2016 – A new economic impact report released today details the positive effect that America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers have on local, state and national economies, creating 1.94 million jobs and generating more than $295 billion in economic impact.

Released by American Beverage Licensees (ABL), which represents beverage alcohol retailers across the country, the 2016 Economic Impact Study of America’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailers provides an in-depth look at the role that beverage licensees play in the U.S. economy.

“Beverage licensees serve their communities every day by providing good-paying jos and stimulating their local, state and national economies,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich.  “Retail hospitality businesses are economic drivers that, along with their partners in the three-tier beverage alcohol system, make a difference in the lives of millions of Americans.”

The biennial study – which updates the 2014 Economic Impact Study of America’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailers and was conducted by economic research firm John Dunham & Associates – shows that since 2014 tax revenues contributed and jobs supported by beverage licensees have increased significantly.  The results reflect a growing retail hospitality industry and beverage alcohol marketplace that continues to thrive, meeting consumer needs and showcasing an unprecedented variety of beer, wine and spirits products.

“Beverage licensees and their businesses – be it on-premise or off-premise establishments– play a dynamic role in the larger economic portrait of this country,” noted John Dunham, President of John Dunham & Associates, which conducted the economic research.  “As reflected in the report, these businesses generate billions in tax revenues at the local, state and federal levels, and create millions of jobs throughout the larger economy.”

Key findings of the 2016 Economic Impact Study of America’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailers include:

  • $295.4 Billion – Total economic activity the beverage alcohol retail industry is responsible for annually
  • $25.3 Billion – Federal taxes paid by the beverage alcohol retail industry last year*
  • 1.94 Million – Number of jobs direct retail alcohol sales account for in the U.S.
  • 4.27 Million – Number of additional jobs supported by the beverage alcohol retail industry in the U.S.
*Figure includes on- and off-premise retailer, supplier and induced taxes.

The 2016 report provides a detailed picture of the impact of licensed establishments.  The study identifies the economic scope of direct retail alcohol sales, as well as the impact of on-premise, full-service restaurants and drinking places – which, in addition to beverage alcohol, often sell other products.

An Advocacy Tool for ABL Members

ABL members can access the 2016 Economic Impact Study of America’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailers through an interactive portal on the ABL website (  They can download data and generate tailored reports broken out at the national, state, Congressional district and state legislative district levels.  This provides ABL members with the ability to quantify the significant contributions they make to their communities when it comes to jobs, taxes and economic impact.  To access the study, members can contact the ABL office.

“ABL supports its state affiliates and their efforts to promote policies that will allow their members to compete on a level playing field and continue to run successful beverage businesses,” said Bodnovich.  “The information in the economic impact study is a powerful tool for demonstrating the importance of these businesses.”

  • Click here for the summary infographic of the economic impact study (PDF).
  • Click here to view the 2016 national economic output data for on- and off-premise retail beverage alcohol sales (PDF).

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American Beverage Licensees Executive Director John Bodnovich Statement on the DOJ Reaffirmation of Consent Decrees Governing ASCAP and BMI

BETHESDA, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) Executive Director John Bodnovich issued the following statement regarding the Department of Justice Antitrust Division’s review of proposed modifications to antitrust consent decrees governing performing rights organizations ASCAP and BMI.

“Beverage licensees are pleased that the Department of Justice (DOJ), following an exhaustive multi-year review, has arrived at a commonsense conclusion to keep in place the consent decrees that are designed to prevent additional antitrust violations by ASCAP and BMI. It is clear that DOJ has given this issue the utmost consideration and ABL thanks the DOJ staff for their hard work and attention to this important matter.

“ABL also welcomes DOJ’s confirmation of ‘full-work’ licensing, which means that the blanket licenses offered by Performing Rights Organization’s (PRO’s) provide licensees with the right to use all the works in that PRO’s repertoire without risk of copyright infringement.  This reaffirms what licensees have long understood based on the contracts they have entered into with ASCAP and BMI.

“The DOJ review will help beverage licensees better understand how the music marketplace is supposed to work.  Tens of thousands of bars, taverns and other hospitality businesses seek to make informed business decisions about music licensing, just as they do in all other aspects of their business.  They know that fairness and transparency will lead to a music ecosystem that benefits consumers, venues and artists.”


American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.77 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $19.3 billion in federal taxes and $16.9 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

ABL Announces New Affiliate Member

Delaware Small Business Leadership Council Becomes Newest ABL State Affiliate Member

Bethesda, MD – July 22, 2016 – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) welcomes the recently-formed Delaware Small Business Leadership Council (DSBLC) as the newest state affiliate member.

Bringing its growing membership roster to the national association, Delaware’s beverage licensees now join in the efforts of promoting and supporting the retail tier of the beverage alcohol industry in Washington, DC, just as ABL and its members will lend their collective strength to beverage retailers in the nation’s first state.

“We have had legislation brought up over the years that has been passed without the knowledge or support of the retail community,” said DSBLC President Bob Kreston of Kreston’s Wine & Spirits.  “So this past year we established the DSBLC to establish a voice of the retailers during these sessions.”

When asked what drew the DSBLC to ABL, Kreston noted, “I felt it was equally important for the group to be involved nationally as well, and we appreciate the help and support that ABL can offer to our organization to keep us better informed on issues that affect our members.”

By joining ABL, DSBLC becomes the latest organization recognized as an ABL state affiliate, growing ABL’s member ranks to 33 associations from 29 states. ABL now represents beverage alcohol retail associations in six of eight states in the Mid-Atlantic region of the country, including Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

“DSBLC was formed to preserve the rights of beverage business owners in Delaware and ensure fair regulation for beverage licensees,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “We are thrilled to add their perspective and clout to our national association and as we work on issues that affect beverage licensees in all fifty states.”

“As DSBLC works to bring the voice of beverage retailers to the leaders in Wilmington, they will now have a voice to represent them in Washington, DC.”



American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.77 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $19.3 billion in federal taxes and $16.9 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit


ABL Honors 16 Beverage Retailers at Annual Meeting

Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year Recognized for Commitment to the Beverage Industry

Bethesda, MD – June 24, 2016 – Sixteen retail beverage licensees were recognized asBrown-Forman Retailers of the Year for their success and dedication to the beverage alcohol industry at the ABL’s 14th Annual Meeting on June 13, 2016. The Brown-Forman Retailer of the Year awards recognize independent beverage business owners who engage in responsible sales and service of beverage alcohol, and who are committed to their state beverage associations. ABL congratulates all of the honored businesses and licensees for their outstanding contributions to the industry and their communities.

This year marks the 14th consecutive year that Brown-Forman, one of the world’s leading distilled spirits producers, has sponsored the awards, continuing their support of those who are the last to handle beverage products before they reach the hands of consumers.

2016 ROTY Winners Cropped

Pictured Left-to-Right: Warren Scheidt (ABL President) | Fredric Leighton | Judy Vordenbaum | Herb Chereck | Pete Jordan | Nancy Moran | Frank Gregory Phillips II | Don Bombace | Omar Malik | Kim Lawson | Stephen Abrams | Pete Gwizdala | Jim Ruffcorn (Brown-Forman)

Not Pictured: George Knightly | Carol Casey | Ralph Kaplan | Laura Fix | Doug Hinson

“Our continued work with Brown-Forman to recognize leading beverage retailers embodies the spirit of responsibility and partnership that is a hallmark of the beverage alcohol industry,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “Independent beverage licensees, both on- and off-premise, foster a vibrant beverage marketplace while also upholding their responsibilities as licensed retailers. They understand the importance of safety and accountability when it comes to selling and serving beer, wine and spirits.”

The 2016 Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year include:

Pete Jordan
Pete’s Package
Troy, AL
Omar Malik
The Grape Leaf
Denver, CO
George Knightly
Knightly Liquors
Orlando, FL
Herb Chereck
Decatur Package Store
Decatur, GA
Pete Gwizdala
Crazy Time Pub & Grub
Machesney Park, IL
Carol Casey
Bar Barry Liquors
Lafayette, IN
Kim Lawson
Fishpaws Marketplace
Arnold, MD
Frank Gregory Phillips II
Frank’s Den
Glen Burnie, MD
Ralph Kaplan
Kappy’s Fine Wine & Spirits
Everett, MA
Laura Fix
Gold Island Casino/Island Liquor & Wine
Helena, MT
Fredric Leighton
Bayway World of Liquor
Elizabeth, NJ
Don Bombace
Bombace Wine & Spirits
Framington, NY
Doug Hinson
O’Darby’s Fine Wine & Spirits
Rock Hill, SC
Judy Vordenbaum
Judy’s Liquor
Fredericksburg, TX
Nancy Moran
Moran’s Landing
Tomahawk, WI
Stephan Abrams
The Liquor Store of Jackson Hole
Jackson, WY

American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.77 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $19.3 billion in federal taxes and $16.9 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

American Beverage Licensees Annual Meeting Offers Industry Insights & Retailer Recognition

Beverage Retailers Bring Together Industry in Denver, CO

Members of American Beverage Licensees (ABL) and colleagues from the hospitality industry gathered in the Mile-High City June 12-14 to share ideas, connect with peers, and learn more about the issues facing their businesses at ABL’s 14th Annual Meeting. Attendees heard from speakers who covered a wide array of topics including music licensing, craft beer, recreational marijuana regulation, and federal and state alcohol policies.

During the three-day event, attendees heard from general session speakers including Ron Kammerzell (Senior Director, Marijuana Enforcement Division – Colorado Department of Revenue), Bart Watson (Chief Economist – Brewers Association), Harry Schumacher (Owner/Publisher – Schumacher Publishing Company) and Megan Metcalf (President – Schumacher Publishing Company). ABL President Warren Scheidt welcomed ABL members to Denver, while ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich briefed attendees on federal policy issues facing retailers, as well as a number of local issues that are shared by retailers from state-to-state.

In a program titled “Music Licensing & Your Business”, Jessica Frost (Executive Director, Industry Relations & Licensing – BMI), and John Johnson (Senior Vice President – ASCAP) discussed the perspectives and business approaches of their respective companies and answered attendees’ questions on music licensing.

With an eye toward a local issue that has gained national industry attention, Jeanne McEvoy (President/CEO – Colorado Licensed Beverage Association) and Mat Dinsmore (General Manager – Wilbur’s Total Beverage in Fort Collins, CO) discussed the Keep Colorado Local movement and its successful efforts to reach a compromise on alcohol regulatory reform legislation that was signed into law in Colorado just days earlier. Tom Edwards (President – New York State Liquor Store Association) and Steve Morris (Vice Chairman – Montana Tavern Association) also shared their associations’ approaches to working with industry partners on three-tier issues.

Hospitality was also at the core of the Annual Meeting and included an afternoon of beer, brats and baseball sponsored by MillerCoors at Coors Field. Attendees also sampled imported beers from across the globe at the annual Opening Night Reception sponsored by the National Association of Beverage Importers.

In keeping with the local theme, the annual luncheon sponsored by Proximo Spirits featured a tasting of Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey led by Rob Dietrich, Stranahan’s Master Distiller. Additional industry support for independent beverage retailers’ signature event came from E. & J. Gallo Winery, Infinium Spirits, Serrallés USA, Sidney Frank, The Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, and the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of Colorado.

The Annual Meeting provided an opportunity for ABL to recognize those who make a difference in the industry. Sixteen beverage licensees from across the country were recognized with the 2016 Brown-Forman Retailer of the Year awards at the ABL Honors Gala. Also recognized was the 2016 ABL Top Shelf Award honoree, Peter Coors (Chairman – MillerCoors; Vice-Chairman – Molson Coors Brewing Company). The ABL Top Shelf Award recognizes those who have demonstrated excellence over their careers in the beverage alcohol industry and represents the highest recognition given by ABL.

The ABL Board of Directors elected four beverage licensees to the ABL Executive Committee during the Annual Meeting. These individuals, each serving two-year terms, will lead the association towards meeting its strategic goals and initiatives. The new officers include:

• Treasurer: Mat Dinsmore, Wilbur’s Total Beverage, Fort Collins, Colorado
• Vice President Off-Premise: Bobby Greenawalt, Cigar & Fine Wine, Auburn, Alabama
• Vice President On-Premise: Steve Morris, Jorgenson’s Restaurant & Lounge, Helena, Montana
• At-Large: Terry Harvath, The Wishing Well Bar & Grill, Appleton, Wisconsin
“The retail tier is where the retail beverage alcohol industry come together, and the ABL Annual Meeting is where beverage licensees come together,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “We are proud to provide a forum for independent beverage retailers to share their experiences with their peers while learning more about the trends and issues that will shape their businesses.”

Beverage Alcohol Representatives Participate in Capitol Hill Briefing on Industry Social Responsibility Programs

Event Hosted by Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus

May 10, 2016 – Bethesda, MD – Representatives from the ABL, the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA) and The Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry (The Presidents’ Forum) yesterday participated in a panel discussion on industry social responsibility programs hosted by the Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus.

The Caucus is a recognized congressional organization co-chaired by Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.) and Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.).  It promotes the country’s licensed and regulated hospitality industry by educating elected officials and their staff members about the role of licensed businesses in the hospitality industry as well as the importance of an effective framework of state and federal regulations that govern the industry.

The briefing was held in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center and was designed to provide elected officials, staff members and media representatives with an overview of the many ways beverage alcohol companies, public agencies, associations and local communities work jointly across all tiers of the industry to promote social responsibility in communities across the country.  Panelists included: Pete Madland, Tavern League of Wisconsin; Mike Rowe, Virginia Imports, Ltd.; and Kathie Durbin, Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control.

Madland discussed the importance of private industries and governments working together in decreasing accidents and DUIs, by highlighting local Safe Ride programs for patrons.  Rowe outlined the behind the scenes role played by wholesalers and their work to support responsible beverage service training and practices.  Durbin provided examples of the many ways industry regulatory bodies work closely with regulated licensees in all tiers.

“As those who are the last to handle beer, wine and spirits before they reach the hands of the consumers, licensed beverage retailers understand the important role they play when it comes to selling beverage alcohol responsibly,” said John Bodnovich, Executive Director of American Beverage Licensees.  “We’re thrilled that the Congressional Responsible Hospitality Caucus is highlighting some of the effective programs that our industry is using to prevent the abuse and misuse of its products.”

“Wine and spirits wholesalers are dedicated to promoting the legal, safe and responsible consumption of beverage alcohol,” said WSWA President and CEO Craig Wolf.  “It’s important that we remind elected officials and their staff about the industry’s economic impact as well its commitment to social responsibility in communities around the country.”

“Member companies and associations representing all three tiers of the beverage alcohol industry have long worked to promote social responsibility,” said Vicky McDowell, President and CEO of The Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry.  “Today’s briefing was a prime opportunity to educate our elected officials and their staff about this work and help them learn first-hand from those in the field, the details of this important work.”


ABL is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.77 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $19.3 billion in federal taxes and $16.9 billion in state and local taxes.  To learn more about ABL, visit

WSWA is the national trade association representing the wholesale tier of the wine and spirits industry, dedicated to advancing the interests and independence of wholesalers, distributors and brokers of wine and spirits.  Founded in 1943, WSWA has 379 member companies in 50 states and the District of Columbia, and its members distribute more than 80 percent of all wine and spirits sold at wholesale in the United States.  More information is available at

The Presidents’ Forum is the national trade association representing manufacturers, importers and marketers of distilled spirits in the United States.  The member companies represent over 50% of all distilled spirits sales in the United States.

ABL Announces Hiring of New Communications Manager

Matthew Evans to Manage Organization’s Communications and Social Media Strategies

Matthew Evans

May 10, 2016 – Bethesda, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) is proud to announce the hiring of Matthew Evans as the organization’s Communications Manager, effective May 9, 2016. In this position, Evans is responsible for increasing the position and reach of the organization within the beverage alcohol industry, streamlining communications to affiliates and industry, and implementing improved social media strategies.

Evans comes to ABL with over seven years’ experience in the non-profit and association management industry, focusing on areas including communications, membership and operations. Most recently, Evans served as the Manager of Council Operations with the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA). There, he managed a number of programs related to the development and programming of the association’s annual conference Digestive Disease Week® (DDW).


“We are excited to have Matt join the ABL team, as he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge – as well as an understanding and appreciation of ABL’s mission and goals,” noted ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “We look forward to the role he will play in advancing ABL’s communications strategy and providing ABL affiliates with the latest news and information impacting the industry.”

Prior to AGA, Evans worked for America’s Charities coordinating workplace giving campaigns at the federal, state and local level. He also worked at The Coulter Companies coordinating membership and communications for a number of small- and medium sized non-profit organizations.

Evans received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from James Madison University and currently resides with his wife, Samantha, in Fairfax, Virginia.

ABL to Honor Peter Coors with 2016 Top Shelf Award

Headshot - Pete Coors2
              Peter Coors

Award will be presented at the 14th Annual ABL Meeting in Denver

May 3, 2016 – Bethesda, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) is proud to announce that Peter Coors, Chairman of the Board of MillerCoors and Vice Chairman of the Board of Molson Coors Brewing Company, is the 2016 ABL Top Shelf Award honoree and will be recognized at the 14th Annual ABL Meeting on June 13, 2016 in Denver, Colorado.

The ABL Top Shelf Award, the highest honor presented by America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers, recognizes those who have demonstrated professional excellence in the beverage alcohol industry and have had a positive influence in their community.

An icon in the brewing industry, Mr. Coors joined Adolph Coors Company in 1971, serving in a number of different executive and management positions. During that time, the company marked a number of historic industry milestones including the introduction of Coors Light, currently the second best-selling beer in the United States, the successful merger with Molson Brewing Company and a merger with SAB Miller to create the joint venture MillerCoors. These significant developments have left an indelible impact on the beer industry.

“When it comes to the beer industry, only a handful of individuals are recognized by occasional consumers and industry enthusiasts alike, and Peter Coors is one of those ambassadors,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich.  “We’re excited to honor a pioneer in the American brewing industry and someone who also sees the bigger picture when it comes to giving back to his community.”

Mr. Coors served as a director of Coors Brewing Company, the company’s US-based subsidiary, beginning in 1973, was Chief Executive Officer from 1992 to 2000, and was named Executive Chairman in 2002. He previously served as chairman of the board of Adolph Coors Company from 2002 to 2005, and was chief executive officer from May 2000 to July 2002.

A strong supporter of civic participation and charitable causes, Mr. Coors serves on numerous community and civic boards, including the University of Colorado Hospital, National Western Stock Show, Castle Rock Foundation, Seeds of Hope Foundation and the Denver Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America.  He has also been a candidate for statewide political office.

Peter Coors will be honored with the ABL Top Shelf Award at the 14th Annual ABL Meeting being held in in Denver, Colorado June 12-14, 2016.  For more information about the event, visit the ABL Annual Meeting website or


May is Tavern Month…Let’s Celebrate!

May is Tavern Month LogoRaise a glass to the places that sustain America’s rich tradition of hospitality


BETHESDA, MDApril 29, 2016 – America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers are encouraging their customers, colleagues and communities to join them this May in celebration of National Tavern Month.  Since 1953, Tavern Month has served as an opportunity to support local hospitality businesses, promote the responsible service and enjoyment of beverage alcohol, and educate everyone about the economic engine formed by the tens of thousands of on-premise beverage licensees throughout the United States.


“Every day across the country, American bars and taverns provide food, drink and hospitality to millions of customers in diverse settings and with more beer, wine and spirits options than ever before,” said John Bodnovich, Executive Director of American Beverage Licensees (ABL). “They’re providing unmatched product choice and service while contributing significantly to their national, state and local economies in the form of jobs created, taxes paid and overall economic impact.”


Direct retail alcohol sales in on-premise, licensed establishments account for as many as 1.23 million jobs; $31.7 billion in wages and benefits; and more than $76 billion in economic output according to the 2014 Economic Impact Study of America’s Beer, Wine and Spirits Retailers.  When including all sales by on-premise, full-service restaurants and drinking places, those numbers climb to 3.94 million jobs; $96.8 billion in wages and benefits; and over $241 billion in economic impact.


For hundreds of years, taverns have worked in their communities – large and small – to provide the best is hospitality and beverage service.  Since the repeal of Prohibition, on-premise licensees have flourished under the three-tier system that has allowed them to focus on customer service and satisfaction, while also working with supplier and distributor partners to create an unsurpassed chain of product accountability and quality that is the envy of countries around the world.


Bars and taverns are proving grounds for new cocktails, beer styles and wines, forums for political debate, bastions for like-minded sports fans and otherwise meeting places for business and pleasure. Bar and tavern owners continue to place a strong emphasis on responsible service by training employees and incorporating programs to promote responsibility.  By utilizing technology and working with enforcement and regulatory groups, licensees are doing their part to continue a tradition of responsibility.


The growth of technology and changing lifestyles mean that hospitality businesses are always adapting to meet the needs of modern customers and their evolving tastes.  In addition to constantly evaluating their business models, many bar and tavern owners must also navigate an opaque music licensing marketplace. They continue to call for an improved music licensing ecosystem that will make rights ownership information, licensing fee distribution and billing practices more transparent.


This May, join ABL in embracing the historic and modern roles of the American tavern, the people who work hard to keep the doors of their businesses open and the good jobs they provide their communities. Celebrate Tavern Month this May by raising a glass to the American tavern – the friendliest place in town!

View a Tavern Month FAQ sheet here.
View a Tavern Month poster here.
View the Tavern Month logo here.

Why are you stopping by your local tavern?

  • My friend is a part-time bartender and I like to stop in and visit with him.
  • The tavern sponsors my bowling team, so I support them with my business.
  • I love to end my work week with a cocktail at our local watering hole with my co-workers.
  • It’s a great place to meet-up with my old friends in my home town.
  • The bar has the sports package, so friends who root for different teams get together to watch games on the weekend.
  • The mixologist is always coming up with interesting new cocktails to try.
  • They always have a new beer on draft, along with a bunch of other familiar brands.
  • My friends meet up for trivia night every Tuesday at our neighborhood pub.
  • They have a reputation for “carding hard” so I know they won’t serve my teenage son.
  • At my local wine bar, the owner finds new and interesting wines to put on the menu.
  • We meet up there after our softball league games for beer and wings.
  • My favorite bar has been around for forty years and I feel it’s important to support local small businesses.
  • We rented out a private room at the bar for a reception after our wedding. We had a blast!
  • I like to taste different whiskeys before I decide to buy a bottle at my local package liquor store.

Tell us why you’re stopping by your local bar or tavern @ablusa  #TavernMonth

