
Beverage Licensees Support Bipartisan Transparency in Music Licensing and Ownership Act

Bill Would Establish Digital Database, Bringing Copyright Ownership & Licensing Information to the Public and Stakeholders

July 21, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL), a national trade association representing nearly 15,000 beverage alcohol retailers, announced its support today for the Transparency in Music Licensing and Ownership Act (H.R. 3350). The bipartisan bill, introduced by Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and cosponsored by Representatives Suzan DelBene (D-WA), Blake Farenthold (R-TX), and Steve Chabot (R-OH), would establish a reliable, unified database of copyright ownership and licensing information for musical works.

“Beverage licensees thank Congressmen Sensenbrenner for his legacy of strong leadership on music licensing issues and his recognition that increasing transparency in the music licensing system benefits licensees and artists alike,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “Many bars and taverns obtain licenses so that music can be legally played in their businesses. The database that this bill calls for will provide them with dependable information on which they can make entertainment choices for their businesses.”

Bar and tavern owners, who already operate in the traditionally-regulated beverage alcohol industry, understand the importance of observing laws and regulations, including complying with copyright laws for the public use of musical works. Beverage licensees generally use copyrighted musical works – either via streaming service, jukebox, karaoke, live bands, DJs, or otherwise – by purchasing licenses from performing rights organizations (PROs). Each year, these licensed beverage businesses support songwriters by collectively paying millions of dollars in licensing fees to PROs.

Under the current system, bars and taverns have no verifiable and reliable way to determine which musical work rights belong to each of the PROs. This prevents beverage licensees from making informed business decisions when it comes to purchasing music licenses and knowing what they are getting when they obtain licenses from PROs. This uncertainty can result in protracted disputes between small business owners and PROs. More ominously, it can lead to bars and taverns shutting down live music in their businesses altogether.

The Transparency in Music Licensing and Ownership Act would alleviate this problem through the creation of a public database that identifies entities through which musical works are licensed in a format that reflects current technological practices; is updated on a real-time basis; and is publicly accessible without charge. By establishing the database under the Register of Copyrights, and encouraging rights owners to register their works with the database, this bill will benefit all stakeholders in the music marketplace.

“This is a bipartisan issue, affecting hospitality businesses in every town, city and state across America,” said Bodnovich. “Beverage licensees have been clear that their focus is on bringing transparency to the music licensing process. The Transparency in Music Licensing and Ownership Act is a sensible step toward that goal, and we look forward to working with Congressman Sensenbrenner to advocate for this legislation.”

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About American Beverage Licensees: ABL is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

ABL Applauds Congress for Keeping Pro-Competitive Debit Card Swipe Fee Policy in Place

June 9, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – American Beverage Licenses (ABL) applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for voting to pass the Financial CHOICE Act, which keeps pro-competitive debit card swipe fee policies in place and aids retailers and consumers in the battle against excessive swipe fees.

“On behalf of the nearly 15,000 independent bar, tavern and package store owners ABL represents, I would like to thank members of Congress for their determined efforts during the legislative process to listen to the concerns of the beverage retailer community and support a bill that maintains laws that have helped level the debit card routing market, and takes into account runaway swipe fees,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich.

The Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 (H.R. 10), sponsored by Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, was passed by the House on June 8, 2017 with a 233-186 vote. The bill received widespread attention as the initial draft included language that would have repealed the consumer and small business measures included in the Durbin Amendment. Repealing or weakening the swipe fee law would have removed competition from the debit routing market, and eliminated other reforms that have benefitted consumers by making transactions not only less expensive, but also more secure.

ABL members and state affiliates played an important role in this spring’s swipe fee debate, responding to ABL’s call to action and opposing the repeal of the Durbin Amendment. Their grassroots advocacy amplified the chorus of American retail businesses that was heard loud and clear across Capitol Hill.

“This is an important win for our members because it’s a bottom line issue that affects their businesses and their customers,” said Bodnovich. “An effort like this is a good reminder that beverage licensees will stand up for their interests on Capitol Hill and continue to play an important role in policy debates that affect their businesses.”

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About American Beverage Licensees: ABL is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments. The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

May Is National Tavern Month

Join ABL in Recognizing Bar & Tavern Owners by Celebrating the 64th Annual Tavern Month

April 28, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – Since 1953, Tavern Month has served as an opportunity to support local hospitality businesses, promote the responsible service and enjoyment of beverage alcohol, and educate the public about the economic engine formed by the hundreds of thousands of on-premise beverage licensees throughout the United States. Which is why this May, ABL and America’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailers encourage everyone to recognize their local bars and taverns by celebrating Tavern Month.

Long known as the “Friendliest Place in Town,” the American bar and tavern represent the epitome of community spirit and social culture – both of which are at the core of this nation’s civic fabric. Be it the corner pub, a trendy lounge, a wine bar, or a family-owned and operated tavern, they all have the same essential function: serving as a place where people come together for meetings, celebrations, and remembrances. Simply put, they are places where people come to share.

Bars and taverns have played an integral role in the development and formation of this nation for nearly 250 years: in 1773, the Sons of Liberty planned the Boston Tea Party at the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston; in 1787, 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention celebrated at Philadelphia’s City Tavern two days prior to the signing of the Constitution; and in 1833, Abraham Lincoln and associate William Berry opened three stores that doubled as bars, selling brandies, gin, wine, rum and whiskey.

“The important role played by bars and taverns in the history of this nation should not be overlooked,” noted ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “Whether it’s serving as a location for like-minded individuals to meet and discuss the pressing issues of the day, the sponsoring of local youth athletics programs, or working with local civic organizations to promote and support community initiatives, on-premise beverage retailers are there – and often times, they are leading the way.”

According to the 2016 Economic Impact Study of America’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailers, direct retail alcohol sales for on-premise, licensed establishments account for as many as 1.41 million jobs; $35.9 billion in wages and benefits; and more than $76 billion in economic impact annually.  When including all sales by on-premise, full-service restaurants and drinking places, those numbers climb to 5.66 million jobs; $136.7 billion in wages and benefits; and over $275 billion in economic impact.

As the retail tier within the Three-Tier System, bar and tavern owners also work with elected officials and state regulators on an on-going and continual basis to support sensible beverage alcohol policy. These owners also place a strong emphasis on providing the public with responsible service, as evidenced through various employee training programs and the implementation of programs and initiatives designed to both discourage and prevent drunk driving and underage access to alcohol.

This May, join ABL and its state and local bar and tavern association affiliates in embracing the historic and modern roles of the American bar and tavern, the hardworking individuals who strive to keep the doors of their businesses open, and the good jobs they provide to those in their communities. Celebrate Tavern Month this May by raising a glass to the American tavern – the friendliest place in town. To learn more about Tavern Month, click here!


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About American Beverage Licensees: ABL is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

Steve Morris Elected ABL President

Steve Morris of Jorgenson’s Restaurant & Lounge in Helena, Montana, Elected ABL President

April 11, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – Steve Morris, owner of Jorgenson’s Restaurant & Lounge in Helena, Montana, was elected by the American Beverage Licensees (ABL) Board of Directors at its annual meeting as the 8th President of ABL, the nation’s largest national association dedicated to representing the interests of beer, wine and spirits retailers. Elected on March 27, 2017, Morris, will serve a two-year term, leading the association as it advocates on behalf of on- and off-premise beverage licensees from across the country.

“Steve is one of ABL’s most passionate and active board members who, with nearly 30 years of experience in the industry, brings a wealth of knowledge and insight that will make him an effective leader of the association,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “Having spent time leading the Montana Tavern Association and working directly with Montana legislators, Steve knows how to address the needs of his peers in the retail tier, while also working collaboratively with government and industry partners. His years of experience on the ABL Board of Directors will also prove invaluable in his new leadership role.”

Morris has been a member of the ABL Board of Directors since 2005, serving as Vice President and an At-Large Representative. In 2003, he was named a Brown-Forman Retailer of the Year and, since 2009, he has served on the board of directors’ Government Affairs Committee.

Morris has owned and operated Jorgenson’s Restaurant & Lounge in Helena with his wife, Barb, for nearly three decades. He is also actively involved in the Montana Tavern Association (MTA), where he has been a member since 1989 and served as President from 2001-2003. He was also presented with the 2015 Durkee Award, the MTA’s highest honor.

“I am both humbled and honored to serve as the next president of American Beverage Licensees,” said Morris. “For the past 15 years, ABL has worked tirelessly in support of the interests of independent beverage retailers, and I look forward to working closely with the board and staff in the years to come as we advance our platform and provide our members with tangible results on a range of issues.”


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About American Beverage Licensees: ABL is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments. The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year

ABL Honors 18 Beverage Retailers at Annual Meeting

Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year Recognized for Their Continued  Commitment to the Beverage Alcohol Industry


April 7, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – Eighteen beverage licensees from across the United States were recognized as Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year at the 2017 ABL Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. Nominated by their state beverage associations for their success and dedication to the beverage alcohol industry, these business owners were honored in a ceremony at the ABL Honors Gala on March 27, 2017.

For more than two decades, the Brown-Forman Retailer of the Year awards have celebrated independent retail beverage business owners who engage in responsible sales and service of beverage alcohol, and who are committed to their state beverage associations.  ABL congratulates all of the honored businesses and licensees for their outstanding and continued contributions to the industry and their communities.

“Independent beverage retailers support a dynamic and spirited industry, while also promoting and encouraging the responsible sale and enjoyment of beer, wine and spirits,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “It is in this spirit that they are recognized with this award before their industry peers and held up as examples of success.”

Brown-Forman, one of the world’s leading distilled spirits producers, has remained a steadfast sponsor of the awards, recognizing the importance of vibrant independent alcohol retailers, and continuing their support of those who are the last to handle beverage products before they reach the hands of consumers. In attendance to present awards to this year’s recipients was Michael Rasp, Brown-Forman’s Nevada State Manager.

“We are grateful to work with Brown-Forman in honoring responsible beverage retailers across the country,” Bodnovich added.

Pictured Left-to-Right: Bill Asbury | Mark A. Brown | James F. Castellani | Richard R. Laczkowski | Mike Scheuerman |

Carolyn Joy | Michael Rasp (Brown-Forman) | Debbie Mayfield | Mike Maro | Sean Barry | Mike Harris | Neil Caflisch | John Cutter | Mickey Daniel


The 2017 Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year Include:

John Cutter & Mickey Daniel

Windmill Beverages

Athens, AL

Dan Grider

Sky Bar

Auburn, AL

Carolyn Joy

Joy Wine and Spirits

Denver, CO

Mark A. Brown

The Wine Shop at Parkaire

Marietta, GA

Wesley Morgan

Liquor World

Richmond, KY

Richard R. Laczkowski

McSki’s Place

Watseka, IL

Don Rix

Big Red Liquors

Indianapolis, IN

Mike Scheuerman

Friendship Wine & Liquor

Abingdon, MD

Mike Harris

Harris Crab House

Chester, MD

Sean Barry

Four Seasons Wine & Liquor

Hadley, MA

Victor Pittman

Silver Leaf Wines and Spirits

Madison, MS

Bill Asbury

Buck Eye Bar

Bridger, MT

Mike Maro

Maro Brothers

Hainesport, NJ

James F. Castellani

The Wine & Liquor Outlet

Lockport, NY

Debbie Mayfield

Bergheim Cellars

Boerne, TX

Neil Caflisch

Square Tavern

Baraboo, WI

Brian “Alf” Grzegorczyk

Alf’s Pub & Package Liquor

Cheyenne, WY


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2017 ABL Annual Meeting A Success

ABL Brings Together Beverage Retailers from Across the United States for 15th Annual Meeting

2017 Meeting Provided Informational Sessions & Recognition of Beverage Retailers


April 6, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – Beverage retailers and their partners from across the hospitality industry came together in Las Vegas on March 26-28 for American Beverage Licensees’ (ABL) 15th Annual Meeting.  Attendees networked with their peers from around the country and learned about emerging issues in the beverage alcohol industry.  Meeting speakers addressed a variety of important topics including the issues facing the wholesale tier, emerging trends in the beverage alcohol sector, mobile alcohol ordering platforms, music licensing, the growing recreational cannabis marketplace and legislation, and state alcohol policy initiatives.

“The diversity of this year’s annual meeting program recognized the range of ABL member businesses from across the country,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich.  “From urban to rural, large to small, on-premise to off-premise, there was something from the meeting that all attendees could take home to use in their businesses, state associations and with elected leaders.”

Eric Dopkins, CEO & Founder of Milestone Brands, LLC, delivered the keynote address about the keys to growth in the beverage alcohol industry and how best to position one’s business for success.  The wholesale tier was represented at the meeting by Craig Purser, President & CEO of the National Association of Beverage Wholesalers, and Craig Wolf, President & CEO of the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, who provided attendees with an overview of where the wholesale tier currently stands important industry issues and where wholesalers are working with retailers.

Senior Vice President of the Beverage Alcohol Practice at The Nielsen Company, Danny Brager, made a presentation about current and emerging trends in the retail environment, which covered various trends shaping the beverage alcohol sector, including Direct-to-Consumer sales and the growing number of places consumers can purchase beverage alcohol.

Following the Annual Luncheon sponsored by MillerCoors, the meeting delved into three important issues for beverage retailers: mobile alcohol ordering, music licensing and recreational marijuana.

The mobile alcohol ordering conversation featured Bryan Goodwin, Senior Vice President – Commercial Sales & Operations at Drizly, and Brad Rosen, CEO & Founder of Drync, who provided attendees with information on how their respective businesses operate, what their entry into the marketplace means for retailers, and how the they can work together with retailers.  Steve Bene, General Counsel at Pandora Media, Inc., shared his perspective on the current state of music licensing, what it means for retailers, and the various challenges and opportunities that lay ahead when it comes to legislative and legal actions.

In a session titled “Seeds of Change: The Emerging Cannabis Marketplace & What It Means for the Beverage Alcohol Industry”, Vivien Azer, Managing Director & Senior Research Analyst at Cowen & Company, provided an in-depth economic analysis of the growing cannabis industry and market trends – from investment standpoints to interplay with the existing beverage alcohol market and its key players.

The ABL Annual Meeting closed its general session with a focus on state policy issues.  New Jersey State Senator Nicholas Scutari discussed his months-long research effort to identify effective recreational marijuana policy measures, including looking at parallels to the alcohol industry’s regulatory framework.  In a presentation titled “Alcohol Policy: State of the States”, the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association’s Steve Schmidt, Senior Vice President – Public Policy & Communications, and Neal Insley, Senior Vice President & General Council, discussed various alcohol policy related issues currently taking place at the state level, and the implications some of these issues may have at the national level.

The 2017 Annual Meeting also provided an opportunity for ABL to recognize those who make a difference in the industry.  Seventeen retail beverage businesses from across the country were recognized with the 2017 Brown-Forman Retailer of the Year awards at the ABL Honors Gala.  Also recognized was the 2017 ABL Top Shelf Award honoree, Tito Beveridge, Founder & Owner, Tito’s Handmade Vodka. The ABL Top Shelf Award recognizes those who have demonstrated excellence over their careers in the beverage alcohol industry and represents the highest recognition given by ABL.

The ABL Board of Directors also elected four beverage licensees to the ABL Executive Committee during the Annual Meeting. These individuals, each serving two-year terms, will lead the association towards meeting its strategic goals and initiatives. The new officers include:

  • President: Steve Morris | Jorgenson’s Restaurant & Lounge | Helena, MT
  • Vice President Off-Premise: Paul Santelle | Garden State Discount Liquors | Perth Amboy, NJ
  • Vice President On-Premise: John “JJ” Moran, Jr. | Four Winds Liquor & Lounge | Cheyenne, WY
  • At-Large: Robert “Bubba” Sprenger | Bubba’s | Marion, WI


ABL also thanks it 2017 Annual Meeting sponsors: Bacardi USA, Inc.; Beam Suntory; Brown-Forman; E. & J. Gallo Winery; Infinium Spirits; Milestone Brands, LLC; MillerCoors; National Association of Beverage Importers; The Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry; Serralles USA; Texas Package Stores Association; and Tito’s Handmade Vodka.



American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.77 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $19.3 billion in federal taxes and $16.9 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit


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ABL Confirms Annual Meeting Keynote

Eric Dopkins, CEO & Founder of Milestone Brands to Provide Keynote Address at Organization’s March Annual Meeting in Las Vegas

February 27, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL), representing America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers, announced today that Eric Dopkins, CEO & Founder of Milestone Brands, LLC, has been confirmed as the featured keynote speaker at the organization’s upcoming annual meeting, being held March 26-28 in Las Vegas.

“Since 2002, ABL has held an annual meeting which brings together our members and representatives from the producer and distributor tiers, in order to grow relationships, promote shared interests, and gain a better understanding of where the industry as a whole is heading,” noted ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “To this end, we couldn’t be more excited about having Eric as the meeting’s featured keynote speaker – as he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the spirits business, which he will be sharing with meeting attendees.”

In a career spanning more than two decades in the spirits industry, Mr. Dopkins has served in a number of senior leadership positions with companies including Diageo, Boz Spirits, Pernod Ricard, and Young’s Market Company. Immediately prior to founding Milestone Brands, Mr. Dopkins spent two years as the CEO of Deep Eddy Spirits, where he helped grow Deep Eddy’s sales from $6 million to more than $73 million, while also leading the company through its 2015 acquisition by Kentucky-based Heaven Hill Brands.

Additional presenters and sessions open to all ABL Annual Meeting attendees include:

Vivien Azer (Managing Director & Senior Research Analyst | Cowen & Company) – Seeds of Change: The Emerging Cannabis Marketplace & It’s Place Within Alcohol’s Sphere of Influence

Steve Bene (General Counsel | Pandora Media, Inc.) – Update: The Current State of the Music Licensing Landscape

Danny Brager (SVP – Beverage Alcohol Practice | The Nielsen Company) – Where We Are & Where We’re Going: Current and Emerging Trends in the Retail Environment

Bryan Goodwin (SVP, Commercial Sales & Operations | Drizly) & Brad Rosen (CEO & Founder | Drync) – The Next Frontier? Mobile Alcohol Ordering Platforms

Craig Purser (President & CEO | National Beer Wholesalers Association) & Craig Wolf (President & CEO | Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America) – A Whole Lot of Sales: Current State of the Wholesale Tier in the Marketplace

Steve Schmidt (SVP – Public Policy & Communications | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association) – Alcohol Policy: State of the States

Nicholas P. Scutari (New Jersey State Senator | Democrat – District 22) – Recreational Marijuana Legislation: Parallels to Alcohol Industry’s Regulatory Framework

Kraig Naasz (President & CEO | Distilled Spirits Council) will also address the ABL Board of Directors during its meeting.

Registration for the annual meeting is currently available online for $299, and includes access to all ABL events and a complimentary 2-Day Expo Hall pass to the Nightclub & Bar Trade Show 2017. This pass will provide attendees with access to the expo hall on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28-29, which will feature over 600 exhibitors presenting spirits, beer, wine and numerous other products for beverage businesses.

Click here to view 2017 ABL Annual Meeting schedule of events. For more information on ABL or the annual meeting, please visit


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American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments. The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

Bars & Liquor Stores Have to Compete: Why Shouldn’t Banks? (ABL Op-Ed)


The Following Op-Ed Was Published by The Hill on February 3, 2017. Please Click Here to View Online.


Bars & Liquor Stores Have to Compete: Why Shouldn’t Banks?

By: John Bodnovich | Executive Director, American Beverage Licensees (ABL)

The hundreds of thousands of bars and liquor stores across America know a thing or two about competition.

When it comes to buying beer, wine and spirits, customers can vote with their feet and their wallets. That’s because a well-regulated and highly competitive beverage-alcohol marketplace has ushered in more consumer choice than ever before.

Congress brought some of this type of competition to debit cards a few years back. Those reforms said the Visa and MasterCard networks could no longer block their competitors from trying to get business and allowed their customers, merchants, to choose which network (including smaller companies like Star, Pulse, NYCE and others) they wanted to use.

And, the reforms gave banks incentives to compete on price rather than let Visa and MasterCard price-fix their fees. If they go with price-fixed fees, the Federal Reserve limits how high they can be.

The reforms have started to make a real difference and help Main Street businesses and their customers.

Before these reforms were put in place, whenever a customer swiped a card, local beverage businesses were plunged into a murky backwater of price-fixing where big banks used their muscle to squash competitors and charge outrageous fees for their services.

Most people had no idea this was happening when they swiped a card to pay their bar tab, or that it was raising the price they paid for a six-pack of beer or a bottle of bourbon.

But the fact was that these “swipe fees” were hurting Main Street businesses that were trying to provide jobs and benefits to their communities.

Now, the gains that have been made in this David vs. Goliath battle could be wiped out if some in Congress have their way.

Even with the modest reforms to debit cards, banks are still marking up their debit card fees an astonishing 500 percent according to the figures the banks themselves report to the Federal Reserve.

Still, Congress did usher in badly-needed, pro-competition measures to the debit-card marketplace.

Beverage licensees, with their fellow members of America’s retail community, aren’t asking for a leg up. They want a level playing field; they want the swipe-fee market to behave the way the rest of our economy does: with competition ensuring fairness and bringing efficiency and lower prices to consumers.

And make no mistake: These problems become everyone’s problems. Swipe fees (including those on credit cards) have ballooned into many merchants’ second-largest operating cost after labor. Tighter margins for retailers mean they are forced to raise prices to at least partially cover the exorbitant cost of price-fixed swipe fees and, most critically, keep their doors open.

Congress should not even consider repealing these pro-consumer debit reforms, especially with big banks enjoying soaring profits.

That’s why hundreds of thousands of merchants, large and small from all over the country, are asking Congress not to turn the clock back.

Keeping in place swipe fee reforms signals support for a level playing field for businesses of all sizes and would continue to save consumers hundreds, if not thousands, of their hard-earned dollars annually.

Congress should protect the progress made on debit-card reform and explore other ways to increase transparency and competition to truly make the payment card market a free one.

John Bodnovich is the Executive Director of American Beverage Licensees, a national trade association representing 15,000 on- and off-premise beer, wine and spirits retailers throughout the country.

Book Your Stay Today for the 2017 ABL Annual Meeting in Las Vegas

February 1, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – Rooms are still available but going quickly for the American Beverage Licensees 2017 Annual Meeting, being held March 26-28 in Las Vegas, Nevada. ABL has reserved rooms at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino, the host hotel for the annual meeting, and is excited to offer attendees a heavily discounted nightly rate of $88.00 for those booking online or by phone on a first-come, first-served basis ($58.00 room rate + $30.00 daily resort fee).

While space is still available, the room block is limited and may fill up prior to the booking deadline of Friday, February 24, 2017. Click here to book your room or call (888) 529-4828 and reference “XABL2017” to receive the discounted rated.

Registration for the annual meeting is currently available online for $299, and includes access to all ABL events and a complimentary 2-Day Expo Hall pass to the Nightclub & Bar Trade Show 2017. This pass will provide attendees with access to the expo hall on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28-29, which will feature over 600 exhibitors presenting spirits, beer, wine and numerous other products for beverage businesses.

In addition to hospitality events showcasing some of the industry’s finest products, attendees will hear from a variety speakers on some of the most pressing topics in the industry including the recreational marijuana market; the future of third-party alcohol delivery; music licensing; state alcohol policy news; industry business trends; recent developments in the wholesale tier; and much more.

ABL will also recognize outstanding beverage retailers with Retailer of the Year Awards and honor Tito Beveridge of Tito’s Handmade Vodka with the 2017 ABL Top Shelf Award.

Click here to view the 2017 ABL Annual Meeting schedule of events. For more information on ABL or the annual meeting, please visit


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American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

Speakers & Sponsors for 2017 ABL Annual Meeting to Provide Legislative and Market Analysis

January 27, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL) announced additional speakers and sponsors for the 2017 ABL Annual Meeting, to be held March 26-28 at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.  More announcements are expected in the coming weeks that will build on a program that is already rich with unique perspectives on some of the most important issues facing beverage licensees.

“We are excited to bring our members and meeting attendees together with leaders from across the three-tier system to legislative issues, business ideas and market trends that affect their bars, taverns and package stores,” noted ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich.  “Our goal is for meeting attendees to leave the meeting with more information about their industry that will help them and their businesses.”

Speakers for the 2017 ABL Annual Meeting include:

Vivien Azer | Managing Director & Senior Research Analyst | Cowen & Company

Vivien Azer serves as Managing Director & Senior Research Analyst for Cowen & Company. Specializing in the beverage, tobacco and cannabis sections, Azer is the first senior Wall Street analyst to cover the emerging cannabis sector, resulting in notable press coverage across periodicals such as Barron’s and Forbes. Her coverage of the tobacco sector earned her a spot on Institutional Investor’s All-America Research Team on several occasions. Prior to joining Cowen & Company in 2014, she spent over nine years at Citi covering consumer staples.

Danny Brager | Senior Vice President – Beverage Alcohol Practice | The Nielsen Company

Danny Brager serves as Senior Vice President – Beverage Alcohol Practice for Nielsen, where he supports relationships for the company’s many clients in the beer, wine and spirits industries, as well as with key industry groups and the media. With over 15 years of experience in this role, Brager and his team provides business information, analysis and insights focused on the U.S. retail environment and consumer, as well as supports the differentiated needs of the Beverage Alcohol client base within Nielsen products/services portfolio.

Craig Purser | President & CEO | National Beer Wholesalers Association

Craig Purser is President & CEO of NBWA, where he serves as a leading advocate for America’s 3,300 licensed, independent beer distributors. In this role, Purser is responsible for the strategic development and tactical execution of the association’s mission in the areas of government, public, industry and political affairs. He has led the charge to strengthen the three-tier system of beer distribution and state-based alcohol regulation.

Steve Schmidt | Senior Vice President of Public Policy & Communications | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

Steve Schmidt serves as Senior Vice President of Public Policy & Communications for NABCA, where he oversees the research and development of policy, best practices, and communication strategies to assist states in managing alcohol control and regulatory systems to prevent alcohol-related harm. Prior to joining NABCA, Schmidt spent 12 years serving as the Director – Bureau of Alcohol Education for the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.

Craig Wolf | President & CEO | Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America

Craig Wolf is President & CEO of WSWA, where for 11 years he has helmed the association and serves as the voice of the wholesale wine and spirits industry, advocating for wholesalers’ interests with state and federal elected officials, the media, regulators and the law enforcement community.  He is also responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the association, whose 375 member companies in 50 states and the District of Columbia distribute more than 80 percent of all wines and spirits sold at wholesale in the United States.

ABL is also excited to announce hospitality sponsors for the 2017 Annual Meeting. These companies and organizations include:


Founded in 1870 by George Garvin Brown, Brown-Forman is one of the largest American-owned spirits and wine companies and among the top 10 largest global spirits companies, to sells its brands in countries around the world.  With more than 25 brands in its portfolio of wine and spirits, including such recognizable labels as Jack Daniels, Woodford Reserve, Herradura, Finlandia, Korbel and Sonoma-Cutrer, Brown-Forman employs more than 4,600 people worldwide with 1,300 located in Louisville, Kentucky.


MillerCoors, the second-largest beer company in the U.S., is responsible for nearly 30% of beer sales in the country annually. A wholly owned subsidiary of Molson Coors, MillerCoors produces Miller Lite, Miller High Life, Miller Genuine Draft, Coors, Coors Light, Molson Canadian, Leinenkugel’s, Crispin Hard Cider Company, Saint Archer Brewing Company, Hop Valley Brewing Company, Hamms and Blue Moon.

National Association of Beverage Importers

Representing the interests of beer, wine and spirits importers at the state and federal levels, NABI is a national trade association whose mission is to help its importer members operate their businesses more efficiently and profitably by providing timely information, aggressive representation, and thoughtful advice on technical and political matters. NABI works on matters such as excise taxes; warning labels; responsible consumption policy and other health and safety issues; and in gaining access to foreign markets.

The Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry

The Presidents’ Forum is a group of leading companies with common interests in manufacturing, importing, and marketing distilled spirits products in the United States and around the world. The member companies represent about 55% of all distilled spirits sales in the United States.  The Presidents’ Forum brings its member companies together to share collective experiences and capabilities to address common issues; provides self-policing guidelines for appropriate and responsible advertising and promotion of spirits products; and works and coordinates with other beverage alcohol trade associations to ensure our perspective is heard across the industry.

ABL will also honor Tito Beveridge, Founder & Owner of Tito’s Handmade Vodka, as the 2017 ABL Top Shelf Award honoree. The ABL Top Shelf Award, the highest honor presented by America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers, recognizes those who have demonstrated professional excellence in the beverage alcohol industry and have had a positive influence in their community. The award will be presented at the ABL Honors Gala on March 27.

Registration for the annual meeting is currently available online for $299, and includes access to all ABL events and a complimentary 2-Day Expo Hall pass to the Nightclub & Bar Trade Show 2017. This pass will provide attendees with access to the expo hall on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28-29, which will feature over 600 exhibitors presenting spirits, beer, wine and numerous other products for beverage businesses.

Click here to view 2017 ABL Annual Meeting schedule of events. For more information on ABL or the annual meeting, please visit


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American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit


ABL Launches Redesigned Website

January 19, 2017 – Bethesda, MD – American Beverage Licensees (ABL), the preeminent national trade association representing America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers, unveiled today its newly redesigned website, Recognizing the continued shift to mobile devices for accessing information, the new site is fully mobilized and offers quick and easy access to a wide range of information – including the latest legislative updates, industry news and events – as well as an updated members-only section.

“With the ever-increasing shift to mobile platforms, we are excited about rolling out the revamped, fully mobilized ABL website to our members, industry partners, and the public at-large,” said ABL Executive Director John Bodnovich. “The site’s improved user interface, layout and design will enable visitors to easily navigate the site and find the information they’re looking for – whether doing so from their desktop, tablet or smartphone.”

The redesigned website has a clean and uncluttered design, improved mobile functionality and enhanced content focused on ABL’s three-tiered mission to:

Initiate, promote, and support laws, regulations and rules that preserve and protect the right of responsible on and off premise retailers of beverage alcohol to operate legitimate and lawful businesses without burdensome intrusion;

Encourage and promote closer relations among all entities engaged in the responsible sale of beverage alcohol through effective communications, innovative services, and education and training opportunities; and

Educate the public to a higher level of awareness regarding the scope of the licensed beverage alcohol industry.

For more information on ABL and to view the redesigned website, please visit


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American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers. Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs. ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about ABL, visit

American Beverage Licensees Celebrates Package Liquor Store Month This November

7th Annual Celebration Recognizes the Role Independent Off-Premise Retailers Have in Job Creation, Product Accessibility and Responsible Policies

BETHESDA, MD – October 31, 2016 – This November, American Beverage Licensees (ABL) and licensed beverage alcohol retailers nationwide will join together to celebrate the 7th Annual Package Liquor Store Month.

This November, American Beverage Licensees (ABL) and licensed beverage alcohol retailers nationwide will join together to celebrate the 7th Annual Package Liquor Store Month.

During the month of November, which kicks off the busy holiday sales season for package stores, ABL is encouraging everyone to recognize the important and vital role that these small businesses play within their local communities. This month-long celebration highlights the hard work, accomplishments and contributions of independent package liquor store owners from across the United States.

By investing in off-premise beverage licenses, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, package liquor stores owners are “buying-in” to their states’ three-tier alcohol systems; agreeing to operate under licensing rules implemented by public officials; and committing to the responsible sale of beverage alcohol.

Package store owners are leading by example when it comes to ensuring the proper sale of age-restricted products through specialized staff training; new product education and tastings; and by ensuring they remain accountable to industry regulators, while also helping to develop and shape industry-wide regulations and policies.

Across the country, off-premise beverage alcohol retailers also play an important and dynamic role within the greater economy – both at the state and federal levels – with an overall economic impact of $87.9 billion last year.  These retailers further account for more than 531,000 jobs and $33.12 billion in wages and benefits (averaging $39,800 annually) – along with $6.22 billion in state taxes and $7.76 billion in federal taxes.

“Local, independently owned and operated off-premise retailers serve and invest in their communities,” said ABL President Warren Scheidt, the owner of 12 package liquor stores in central Indiana.  “They are much more than just sellers of beer, wine and spirits – they also sponsor youth athletics organizations, support various civic endeavors, and tend to be on the frontlines of their communities after natural disasters and in other times of need.”

Some of the last independently-owned businesses on “Main Street,” beverage alcohol retailers also serve as the face of the industry within the framework of the three-tier system.  These stores are where beverage brands are built and sustained by providing consumers with an education about beer, wine and spirits from trusted experts.  This includes knowing where and how items are produced, as well as how best to enjoy and share them responsibly with friends and family.

“As consumers continue to embrace new products and enjoy established brands, independent package store owners create a marketplace that benefits the entire beverage alcohol industry and the millions of consumers that enjoy its products,” said John Bodnovich, ABL Executive Director.  “Superior choice, great value and commitment to first-class customer service make for better informed and more responsible consumers of beverage alcohol.”

This November, ABL encourages you to show your support for Package Liquor Store Month by posting a picture of your favorite package liquor store to Facebook and/or Twitter using the hashtag #PLSMonth. You can also download and share a number of promotional materials from our website by clicking here.

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American Beverage Licensees is the preeminent national trade association for beverage alcohol retailers.  Direct retail beverage alcohol sales in the United States generate as many as 1.94 million well-paying jobs.  ABL’s thousands of on-premise and off-premise licensee members are independent and often family-owned establishments.  The beverage retailing industry pays over $25.3 billion in federal taxes and $18.36 billion in state and local taxes.  To learn more about ABL, visit