The overwhelming majority of ABL members receive their benefits through ABL’s Affiliate Member Program, whereby an individual retailer automatically becomes an ABL member through their direct membership in a state Licensed Beverage Association (LBA) that is a member of ABL. ABL also offers an At-Large Member Program that is available for retailers who meet one (1) of the following (2) criteria:
1. Own a retail alcohol license in a state that does not have an LBA; or
2. Own a retail alcohol license in a state that does have an LBA but it is not an ABL member
ABL Represents YOU on the Issues That Matter Most to Beverage Licensees
21st Amendment | Direct Shipping | Drunk Driving | Estate Taxes | Federal Excise Taxes | Marketplace Fairness | Music Licensing | Overtime Pay | Swipe Fees | Three-Tier System | And More!